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a variety of 同义词

【英语单词】 2016-03-20本文已影响
a variety of 的同义词是什么你知道吗,跟小编来看一下吧。?  a variety of 的同义词如下:?  a difference in character?  A snow step avalanched.?  a white clayey mineral.?  a step partial derivative?  a spring to one's step.?  a diesel/petrol engine?  a narrow brush with death?  A man aged fifty years.?  a famed poet and musician?  a variety of?  种种; 多种多样?  a variety of 例句?  The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects.?  演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题。?  The dish was accompanied by a variety of pickles.?  这盘菜配有什锦泡菜。?  I have a variety of books at home.?  我家中有好多书。?  Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.?  社会是由形形色色的人组成。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。?  A trademark used for any of a group of synthetic resins and plastics found in a variety of manufactured articles.?  电木,酚醛树脂一种商标,用于存在于各种加工制造物品中的任何一种合成树脂或塑料制品?  All of them arrive late for a variety of reasons.?  由於种种原因,他们都来晚了。?  Participation in social groups in the community is independent of religious affiliation, and one's circle of friends will include people of a variety of denominations.?  社会上的社交团体是不管哪个教派的人都可以参加的,而一个人的社交范围包括各种教派的人。?  He left for a variety of reasons.?  他由于种种原因而离开了。

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