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【医学英语】 2016-03-20本文已影响




  registration n. 挂号gender n.性别 ?address n. 住址 occupation 职业 ?department n. 科,系,部门 ?register vi挂号fee n. 费 lift/elevator n. 电梯 ? to fill in/out 填写 ?register with 挂(某科)的号 ?medical history 病史 ?marital status 婚姻状态 family health history 家庭健康史常见病情的描述:

  temperature n. 温度,高烧 examination n. 检查,体检 ?chest n. 胸部,胸膛 ?unbutton vt 解开扣子 ?definitely adv 确定地,肯定地 inflame v. 发炎 ?symptom n. 症状 influenza n. 流行感冒 prescription n. 药方 to have a runny nose 流鼻涕 symptoms 症状 be feverish/have a fever 发热 ?to have a sore throat 喉咙疼 ?to have/run a fever/temperature 发烧 ?coughing ?to have a bad cough 咳嗽的很厉害 ?36. to have a sore throat 喉咙疼 ?muscle soreness 肌肉酸疼 to have a sprained ankle 扭伤踝骨 to have a splitting headache 头部剧痛 to have a migraine 患有偏头痛 to have a skin rash 出皮疹 to feel numb in 某处感觉麻木 numbness (n) 麻木 be stiff 僵硬 stiffness (n) 僵硬关于检查时常用语

  take a look at 检查 ?privacy 隐私 ?take a deep breath 深呼吸 ?blood Please say “Ah”.请说“啊”。 To lie one one’s side 侧躺 to lie on one’s back 仰卧 to remove jewelry 请摘除珠宝 ?Please sit upright. 请坐直。


  Immunization shots疫苗注射 vaccination 疫苗接种 ?**疫苗可以预防的主要疾病:measles麻疹, mumps 腮腺炎, rubella 风疹,麻疹, hepatitis B 乙肝, polio小儿麻痹症, diphtheria 白喉, tetanus 破伤风 and pertussis (whooping cough)百日咳等关于医师与护士的种类

  Physician 内科医师 surgeon 外科医师 resident 住院医师 Chief physician 主治医师Head nurse 护士长


  vessel 血管 vein静脉 artery动脉 capillary毛细血管nerve神经 ?spinal marrow脊髓lung肺heart心 diaphragm隔膜 internal organs内脏stomach胃liver 肝脏gallbladder胆囊 pancreas胰 ?spleen脾duodenum十二指肠 small intestine肠large intestine 大肠caecum盲肠 ?vermiform appendix阑尾rectum 直肠 ?anus 肛门kidney 肾脏bladder膀胱 testicle睾丸scrotum阴囊urethra尿道ovary卵巢womb子宫 vagina阴道 penis 阴茎 the testis睾丸关于处方与抓药

  to have one’s prescription filled 去抓药chemist’s(UK)/pharmacy (US) 药房 ?chemist/pharmacist 药剂师 OTC-Over-the-counter medicine 非处方药物 ?prescription medicine 处方药物 ?dosage 计量 ?over-dosage 剂量过高 ?under-dosage 剂量过低关于抗生素滥用

  to abuse 滥用 ?to resist 抵御 ?-ance (n) 耐药性 to develop resistance 产生抗药性anti- ?bio-生物体 ?antibiotics 抗生素 be ineffective 无效关于糖尿病

  diabetes 糖尿病 diabetics (n) 糖尿病患者 ? Type I Type II ?insulin-dependent life-time insulin dependence 终身胰岛素依赖 **Complications ?并发症 ?ulcer 溃疡关于脱水

  **hydro-表“水”之字根, rehydrate 补水 ?**de-表“去除“之前缀, be dehydrated 脱水 dehydration (n) 脱水 ?ORT-Oral Rehydration Therapy 口服补液疗法Salt ?to reduce salt intake 盐的摄入 **hypo- ?hyper- hypertension patients ?not to do excessive exercises ?勿做多量 运动 (a) 过度的关于过度暴露于阳光

  Sunlight ?**be exposed to 暴露于 ? exposure(n) ?excessive ~ 过度的暴露 **ultra-表“超过“之前缀 ?violet ultraviolet rays 紫外线 ?to cause skin cancer ?引起皮肤癌 ? sun lotion ?sunshade 防晒油 to prevent ultra-violet ray ?防止紫外线关于做皮试(skin test)

  to do a skin test of penicillin ?做青霉素皮试 ?tetanus hypersensitive test 破伤风皮试 ?apply a cold(hot) compress to your ankle 做踝部冷/热敷关于插管

  to have urine catheterization ?给病人导尿 ** catheter 插管常用医学缩写词 (abbreviations)/首写字母词(acronym):

  CVP-Central Venous Pressure 中心静脉压 55. COPD-Chronic Obstruction Pneumonia Disease 慢性阻塞性肺炎NIH National Institute of Health(英国) 国家卫生研究院 ?WHO-World Health Organization ?AIDS-Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome获得性免疫缺陷综合征HIV-Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome 人类免疫缺陷病毒者 CDC-Center for Disease Control 疾控中心 WBC-White Blood Cells RBC ?STDs-Sexually Transmitted Diseases 性传播疾病关于卫生部门与行政区划

  Community healthcare ?社区护理 Health Station 卫生站 ?Ministry 部委 Ministry of Public Health (中国)卫生部 Bureau 局 **state/province 州/省 ?prefecture 地区municipal 市的 ?district 区 ?county 县 ? township 乡镇 ?village 村庄 ?CDC-Center for Disease Control 疾病控制中心**关于受孕与胎儿发育

  **egg/ovum 卵子 ?sperm 精子 ?semen 精液to conceive 受孕 conception (**contraceptive “避孕”这个词即来自“contra-抵御+ captive 受孕的”) (n) embryo (n) 胚胎 stem cells 干细胞 ?fetus 胎儿 fetal (a)关于常用的透析,灌肠与导流

  Renal dialysis 肾脏透析 peritoneal dialysis 腹膜透析 hemodialysis 血液透析 ?enema 灌肠 to drain 导流 drainage (n) 引流关于给病人的喂养方法

  Vassal feeding 鼻饲法 ?intubation (tube) feeding 管饲养


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