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【英语优美段落】 2019-10-26本文已影响



  You deserve pursuing your passion 你有追逐梦想的权利

  Your passion is the integral part of you, the minute you lose it you will start losing yourself. Did you ever feel that you hardly even remember the girl you were when you were 16? What gave you that enthusiastic drive to pursue your goals and dreams?


  No matter how many years passed since you were 16, that girl still lives inside of you. Even though today you have responsibilities, chores and THE schedule you still need to make room for your passion.



  Your sensitivity is your biggest power 敏感正是你最强大的武器

  You are delicate as a flower and you need love to survive. Don’t be afraid to show your weakness every once in a while and let your loved ones help you. Your power lies in multiplying the love and care that you receive and spreading it in the world around you.



  You are courageous 你很勇敢

  Living a full life means being bold and courageous in order to protect what you stand for and aspire for your biggest dreams. Every day we face choices and the course your life is taking depends greatly on how courageous you are when making decisions. Don’t settle for the easiest choice but rather use your courage to live a bold and full life.



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